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In a time when society is becoming ever more conscious of social issues such as racism, homophobia, and misogyny, it seems that in one way or another people still tend to give preference to what they perceive and stereotypically “normal”. This may not always be intentional, but rather a consequence of decades of narrow mindedness that has become engrained in the subconscious of society. Many activists have sought to make a change and resolve these social issues, and in recent years awareness and indeed progress has been made, although things are far from over, and subtle discrimination against minorities can be seen everywhere you look.


Locally, it seems like little or no importance is given to the arts in any way. Mediocre acts win national televised competitions by means of televoting, and all in all the wrong people are given the spotlight simply because of who they know and what they can offer financially. As a simple example, Malta does not have a very successful history in the Eurovision, yet if one looks beyond the mainstream, so much talent; both musical and lyrical, can be found. In short: the talent is there, we are just not looking in the right places.


It is for these reasons that the “Colourblind” project is being created. This project seeks to expose artists of all media that form part of the LGBTIQ+ community. In doing so, many deserving artists will be brought into the spotlight, showing our little island’s diversity when it comes to art and artists of all genders and minorities. The project also aims to photograph these people in a way that shows their true self, thus helping viewers of the project, as well as the participants themselves, come to terms with themselves and show the world that they are proud to be who they are, and that they have overcome the challenges that it takes many people to come to terms with their sexuality.

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